Your message doesn't live in your expertise.
It doesn't live in your I HELP X do X statement.
Your message lives in the heart of your deepest fear.
It lives where you least expect it.
Where you feel most like an imposter.
We have been taught that your message must be aimed backwards.
"I ONCE struggled with this. Now I am whole."
But what you are struggling with most right now...the very thing you are secretly yearning to overcome is your gold.
In fact, you have likely been chasing after it your entire life.
🌀 I see a strange pattern when I help my clients:
What they are most passionate about - where they have the most ideas, the most aggravations, even obsessions...is also where they feel the most inadequate.
They can clearly see what is wrong - the status quo that is broken. The typical solutions that aren't cutting it. The system that is broken.
They can rant and rave and raise their fist and question, "Why aren't we doing this any better? Why does this have to be done this way? Why do we have to suffer with these limitations?"
But when I reflect back to them,
"Because we are waiting for you to lead the difference."
They refuse.
The terror of what others will think of them takes over.
I have observed this cycle many times:
1️⃣ We begin to feel an inkling of a direction we want to go with our message.
We summon the courage to share our imperfect stories and experiences knowing they are still raw and our ideas are very much a work in progress...
2️⃣ Somehow, we attract clients. Quickly. The speed by which they show up shocks us.
3️⃣ We hire a business coach or invest in a marketing program to really hone our message and have it resonate with a bigger audience.
4️⃣ The business coach or marketing program invalidates the idea. "No one will buy that." They guide us to contort the message into something more marketable.
5️⃣ We drift further away from our initial imperfect message which attracted clients in the first place.
We then either give up on "marketing" and focus on referrals and word of mouth. Or we find ourselves caught in an endless cycle of programs and experts with wonderful ideas that never bring us closer to our calling.
🔰 No one teaches us this simple fact:
It is not a lack of clarity that separates us from our message.
It is our fear.
And when we move through these inadequacies and the I'm not good enough's...
And we listen to the fire already raging within us...
The fire that is desperately longing to make its mark in the world...
We don't find our message.
We awaken the message which has already found us.
As Carl Jung said,
"People don't have ideas.
Ideas have people."