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If creating content feels exhausting, like throwing spaghetti against the wall, and it's a constant heroic effort to stay consistent...

If you ever feel guilty for not posting or taking time to yourself away from social media because "you'll miss out on opportunities"...

If you've been sold on having someone take your videos, podcasts, and articles and repurpose them into tiny fragments and constantly blasting them out multiple times a day is the key for attracting clients...

They taught you wrong.

Because creating content is about the exchange of energy that attracts the people you love serving.

Let's get real:

Is your ideal client really the kind of person who cares if you've been online every single day?

Are they really tallying up all of the 30-second soundbytes and tips and thinking, "ah finally - my credibility bank is full enough for me to reach out!"

Are they really concerned with the number of post impressions you get?

Your ideal client is not stupid. They can sense your motivation for posting - especially if you're showing up because "you have to."

They are savvy enough to read between the lines and can tell if you are consciously painting a picture for how you can help them or splattering the canvas haphazardly.

Said another way:

Your clients aren't going to eat at your restaurant if you're dumping bags and bags of doritos and french fries on their table.

Sure, a cheap snack is fine every now and then.

But at some point they need a filling meal.

A meal that shows the head chef cared about what they were preparing. That they were even challenged creatively to present something the customer loves. That they were eager to hear what they think.

(I really don't know why I keep using this metaphor - I must be hungry).

📣 Volume is not the key factor in influencing a person to explore your services.

🔗 Connection is the key factor.

I'm not saying every post should be LONG and WORDY and take you hours.

I'm really not even talking about the content itself.

I'm talking about what goes into making the content.

Your thoughtfulness.

Your care.

Your depth.

Your soul.

These are the realities that shine through at a louder resonance than any post cadence ever will.

And to cultivate these areas does require us to completely step away so we can recharge, rethink, and reinvigorate our relationship to what we do.

So the next time you feel guilty about not posting - or anyone tells you you are missing out on something...tell them you are not a fry cook.

And if you want help with this, I'm right here.



I'm a father of two, husband to my awesome wife, entrepreneur, coach, author, traveler, movie buff, drone pilot, basketball addict, and lover of all things sushi.

My mission is to help coaches hone their message until it resonates with their audiences, ideal clients, and even the universe.





I'm a father of two, husband to my awesome wife, entrepreneur, coach, author, traveler, movie buff, drone pilot, basketball addict, and lover of all things sushi.

My mission is to help you rock your coaching business by owning the value of the clear, aligned, potent message only you can share.

snag my free guide!


Get 18 insights you won't find anywhere else to soar beyond six figures in your business here:


I'm a father of two, husband to my awesome wife, entrepreneur, coach, author, traveler, movie buff, drone pilot, basketball addict, and lover of all things sushi.

My mission is to help coaches hone their message until it resonates with their audiences, ideal clients, and even the universe.

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